Meet Rachel

Oh Hey!

I’m Rachel Z. Hart

I am a budgeter, saver, and blogger. And a Type A perfectionist.

My hope is to inspire you to budget, save, and start a blog. Get a little more organized with your finances and actually start enjoying your money.

I’m your newest go-to girlfriend inspiring you through your debt-free journey.

Let’s get real:

  • When I’m not blogging, I am working as a Registered Nurse at a local hospital.
  • I am still paying off debt (student loan, personal loan, credit cards, and more), so far I’ve paid off over $60,000 with a part time nursing income. I can’t wait to show you how you can start tackling yours!
  • Truth…I am a spender at heart. I love love shopping and eating out.
  • I hate cooking, but have had to learn so I can stick to my budget.
Budget Save And Blog